In Silent Graves by Gary A. Braunbeck

Robert Londrigan leaves to cool off after him and his pregnant wife, Denise, get in an argument. While he out strange things start to happen to him and he wonders if he is hallucinating. When he returns home he finds her in very bad health, she dies at hospital. She had been pregnant with a daughter. While viewing their bodies, Robert is attacked and the body of his daughter is stolen. The doctor patches him up and the police promise to look for his attacker and find out what has become of his daughter's corpse. After he returns home things get weird again. Is he hallucinating or is what he is seeing really there? I would love to get into more detail about his hallucinations but I can't without giving things away.
This is not the first book I have read by this author, but it is by far the most complex and imaginative. This is a unique dark fantasy/horror book that I can compare to nothing I have ever read. You know the famous quote from the movie Shrek 'Ogres are like onions.'? Well this book is like an onion, it has layers. This is a book about grief, crime, true love, mythology, faith, consequence, and I could go on and on. The story dips in and out of our world entering alternate dimensions.
This is not a book you read to pass time. If you decide to read this make sure you can do so with undivided attention. This isn't something you can pick up, then set it down and come back to it later, it's too complex for leisure reading. (Side Note: Don't read it at home alone while your husband and kids are camping either...FREAKY!)
My reaction after finishing this book: At first I just sat in my chair trying to process all that I had read. THAT WAS EFFING AWESOME! I want to run up and down my street shouting praise for this book. I want to buy a copy of for everybody I know and give it to them as a birthday gift and forcefully make them read it (no way in hell am I loaning anybody my copy of it...MINE! MINE! MINE! DON'T TOUCH!).