Who is Santa?

Who is Santa? And how did he get to the North Pole? - Stephen W. Bigalow

This is a fictional take on the history of Santa's life to becoming the big man with gifts. I really think children will love the story, it is really imaginative. This author must have an amazing imagination. The detail in this is amazingly well thought out.


My eight year old was transfixed on story I was reading to him. He was beginning to question whether Santa was truth or myth. Not anymore.


There are illustrations on just about every other page and they help to keep a child interested while reading.


This isn't the type of book you hand to an eight year old to read on his own, it would be way too due to how many words there are. It is a rather long story. It took several reading sessions for us to read this. 




This is a perfect book for this time of year. I love how it made Santa more "believable" and helped to save the magic for my seven year old little man. I wasn't ready for him to stop believing. For that I thank the author for providing a review copy in exchange for an honest review.