Far Out Fairy Tales - Louise Simonson, Otis Frampton, Benjamin Harper, Joey Comeau, Sean Tulien, Otis Frampton, Fern Cano, Jimena Sanchez S., Omar Lozano

Release date: April 1, 2016


I went into this expecting young adult. What I got was a graphic novel more inline for a younger reader. My seven year old would have no problem reading this.


This is a compilation of fairy tales; Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, The Billy Goats Gruff, and Hansel & Gretel. The authors did a great job of making this entertaining and interesting for both boys and girls. Cinderella is a ninja, Ninjarella. What kid won't find that awesome and intriguing?


The graphics are bold and really compliment the dialogue and storyline. They put me in mind of Cartoon Network cartoons.  


I received a pre-release review copy from Netgalley.