I somehow fe into a bucket of shit, but came out smelling like a rose. I ended up with 62 hours last week when I punched out on Saturaday. I immediately worked forty hours over the next three days, Sun., Mon., Tues. I have been off work ever since. I return on Friday night, then work Saturday and Sunday. Then I start my new schedule, plus some of my current schedule. As shitty as this all sounds, two weeks from now my vacation time I put in for a while ago was denied, until my new schedule popped into the equation. Now I am actually going to get to use some of my vacation days rather than just losing my hours at the end of the year. A couple of years ago the company adopted the use it or lose it. I haven't been able to use more than 30 hours of my 120hours vacation I years...years. Wasn't a big deal when they cut me a check for it right before Christmas, but now that I just get a "Thank you for your dedication to our clients. We are sorry to inform you that this year you were unable.... Blah, blah, blah."


I got a shitty schedule ahead of me, but the light is not a train this time. I am starting to train my replacement, as soon as that person is ready to be sufficient, it is bye bye shitty night shift for me.