
This is really nice. I love the matte finish pale blue cover. The light colored flowers on the front are a light silver that at times looks white and is reflective. Each page has a quote and most have a writing prompt. There is almost two pages worth of room to write your thoughts. There is a spot for the title and date of each entry.
"Restore your attention, or bring it to a new level, by dramatically slowing down whatever you're doing."
-Sharon Salzberg Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation
Try it! Pick an everyday activity (washing dishes, folding laundry, making coffee, etc.) and slow it down, paying attention to the physical details of the experience. What did you notice? What felt different? What happened in your mind?
I have really enjoyed writing in this. I haven't followed the order in which they are placed in the book, instead I pick the one I want to write about. Just taking the time to put your thoughts about whatever the prompt is helps your really take your mind off of things and decompress. When I finish I feel so much more at peace and not about to lose my mind.
Before this I never even thought about using something like this, and never actually thought it would help with anxiety. From here on out I will continue to use this on days where I feel I need some time to disconnect myself from whatever life has thrown at me.
About the Author:
Catherine Price is an award-winning journalist whose work has appeared in publications including The Best American Science Writing, The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Washington Post Magazine, The Los Angeles Times, Slate, Salon, Men's Journal, Mother Jones, The Oprah Magazine, and Parade, among others. Her other books include VITAMANIA: How Vitamins Revolutionized The Way We Think About Food, a parody travel guide called 101 Places Not To See Before You Die, The Big Sur Bakery Cookbook: A Year in the Life of a Restaurant, and the bestselling Gratitude, A Journal.
I received a complimentary copy of this in exchange for an honest review through Blogging for Books.