Three Dark Crowns ( a review i thought i wrote a while back)

I read this a while ago, I thought I had reviewed it. I even remember writing the review. I had this as an arc, maybe it was when booklikes was not being user friendly.
This is young adult fantasy. It has some pretty dark themes. You have three sisters, triplets, each a potential queen. In order to determine which will rule there is a battle of skills. Each sister has a gift: elemantal, poisoner, naturalist. The girls are raised separate from each other and are strictly trained at their skill. Some sisters are excelling, others not so much.
This is told from tyre different POVs, it can get a bit confusing at times. This does start a bit slow and the first half is tedious at times. You basically get three indroductions, one for each sister. The second half gets much better. We a have a love triangle of sorts, but this not a sappy one by any means. In the end there is a big twist revealed, I had a suspicion as to it happening a few chapters in, but it took me by surprise regardless.
I found myself rooting for the underdog and feel that by the end of the book she stands a decent chance. I will continue this series, mostly because I want to see if the author will give us a Happily ever after, or let this finish darkly. The writing is average at first but it does get better.