Storm's Heart by Thea Harrison

Storm's Heart - Thea Harrison

NOT AGAIN. I stinking did it again. I need to make it a rule that I at least rate every book read. This a I made to 60% before I realized I had done it again... unknown re-read.

This is the second book in the Elder Races series. We have Tiago and Niniane (aka Tricks). I like em both! Niniene has just inheritated the dark fae throne after years of keeping her identity hidden. Tiago had the hots for her in the first book, but didnt admit it to himself until he went to her rescue after someone made an attempt on her life. Sparks fly, then stupidity and denial raises its head and love is ignored for the good of a race, then amends are made, happily ever after! 

I like the writing, I like the story. On to book three.